Lectures and exercises |
WS18/17/16/15 | Lecture “Communication Networks”, University of Düsseldorf |
4+2 SWS | Topics: ISO OSI layers, multimedia networks, network security |
SS17, SS16, WS14/13/12/11 |
Lecture “Peer-to-Peer Systems”, Master, Universities of Düsseldorf and Paderborn |
2+2 SWS | Topics: P2P overlays, storage, content distribution, security, monitoring and control, quality |
SS18/17/15 | Lecture “Opportunistic and Peer-to-Peer Systems”, University of Düsseldorf |
2+2 SWS | Topics: P2P overlays, storage, opportunistic networks, mobile communiations |
SS17, SS16 | Lecture “Android Programing”, University of Düsseldorf |
2+2 SWS | Topics: Android Architecture, mobile programing paradigms, networked apps, security |
WS15, SS13 | Lecture “Mobile Communication Systems”, University of Düsseldorf |
2+2 SWS | Topics: Lower layers in communication networks, signaling, access control, wireless communication protocols, mobile ad hoc networks |
SS14 | Lecture “Network Security”, University of Düsseldorf |
2+2 SWS | Topics: Security leaks, exploits, malware, attacks and countermeasures, security protocols, www and email security, anonymity in the Internet |
SS13/12/11 | Lecture series on “Peer-to-Peer Systems”, 2 SWS, correlated with the project group “A Distributed Framework for Social Networks” at the University of Paderborn |
2 SWS | Topic: ISO/OSI Layers, concepts of p2p routing and storage, p2p applications, security |
WS09/08/07/06 | Lecture “Communication Networks II”, Technische Universität Darmstadt |
4+2 SWS | Limited responsibility: lecture content preparation and (partial) presentation, exam and exercise organization |
Topic: Higher layers in communication networks, TCP, web services, SIP, P2P | |
Annual project groups |
SS/WS 13/12 | Project group “A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Social Networks”, University of Paderborn |
2+2+2 SWS | Project aims at researching, implementing and evaluating useful algorithms and mechanisms using the p2p paradigm to create a toolbox for p2p applications. Tasks: project management, organization of lectures and seminars, supervision |
SS/WS 11 | Project group “A Distributed Framework for Social Networks”, University of Paderborn |
2+2+2 SWS | Long term project aiming at engineering a general p2p framework for a wide set of applications, and social networks in specific. Tasks: project management, organization of lectures and seminars, supervision |
Seminars and lab exercises |
SS13 | Seminar “Essential Elements for a Peer-to-Peer Framework for Social Networks”, correlated with the project group “A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Social Networks” |
Topics: decentralized social networks, big data in p2p networks, performance and security issues in p2p monitoring mechanisms, p2p network address translation, streaming social content in p2p networks | |
SS12 | Seminar “Security in Peer-to-Peer Systems” |
Topics: Attacks on routing and storage in p2p networks, surveys and simulations | |
SS12 | Seminar “Essential Elements for a Peer-to-Peer Framework for Social Networks”, correlated with the project group “A Peer-to-Peer Framework for Social Networks” |
Topics: decentralized social networks, graphical representation of social networks, performance and security issues in p2p overlays, mechanisms on p2p networking and storage, evaluation methodology for large scale networked systems | |
WS11 | Seminar “Peer-to-Peer Systems” |
Topics: P2P improvements, simulation and benchmarking, p2p overlays | |
SS11 | Seminar “Essential Elements for a Distributed Framework for Social Networks”, correlated with the project group “A Distributed Framework for Social Networks” |
Topics: P2P platforms, distributed data storage and replication, p2p service repositories, requirements analysis for distributed social networks | |
SS10 | Seminar “P2P and Benchmarking” |
Topics: P2P self-aware networks, commercial aspects, monitoring and management Limited responsibility: topic conception, student supervision, project management |
WS08/07/06 | Seminar “Advanced Topics of Future Internet Research” |
Topics: modeling of p2p systems, QoS-awareness in p2p systems, monitoring mechanisms in p2p and distributed systems Limited responsibility: topic conception, student supervision, grading |
SS09/08/07 | Project seminar “Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems” |
Topics: implementation and evaluation of p2p mechanisms in a p2p simulator. Limited responsibility: topic conception, student supervision, project management |
WS09/08 | Bachelor lab exercise “Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems” |
Topic: implementation of a GUI for a p2p-based online social network. Limited responsibility: topic conception, student supervision, project management |
SS10, WS09/08 | Master lab exercise “Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems” |
Topic: collaboration and management tools for a p2p online social network. Limited responsibility: topic conception, student supervision, project management |